Sunday, July 1, 2012

Week 18! Kinda late, but better than never

I am really gonna try hard to keep this blog updated now that I am almost half way there! I ment to do this from the day we found out about the baby, but time got away from me. I came accross nother ladys blog today that was so cool and so now I want to try it out. So here we go! The baby is Due November 29th, 2012. So we'll see if we have a November baby or a December baby :) Today I am 18 weeks and 3 days pregnant with Baby Martin. I am so excited because on Thursday July 5th at 2:30pm we will be finding out if it is a baby girl or boy! Here is when we got to see the baby for the 1st time @ 8weeks:
I cannot wait to see the baby on Thursday at 19 weeks! Baby movement: In other news I am pretty sure I have been feeling the baby move for the last week or so! It is so awesome :) Cannot wait till she/he is bigger. How I am feeling: I am feeling really good now. I started feeling nausious all the time from 8 weeks to about 13 weeks. I am so thankful that I never once threw up. A couple times I came really close, but that was it and it passed. I slowly had to figure out what to eat to keep my blood sugar from crashing, especially at work, and that alone helped alot. Then magically at 14 weeks, I started feeling so much better day after day. My belly: Well my belly is finally starting to show and look more like a baby belly than just like I ate too much. Some people say I don't even look pregnant, but I have always been skinny, so anyone who knows me better says they can definantly tell. I am ready for it to stick out more so there will be no mistake between a bit of belly fat and baby bump. :) Here is a not so good pic. Need to take a new one.
Well that is all for now. Will post Thursday all the details!!!! CANNOT WAIT!!!

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